Velo-City 2022

Velo-city 2022

Cycling the Change
Ljubljana, Slovenia 14-17 June 2022


Cycling the Change

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and challenged our view of reality. Cycling plays a significant role in driving and maintaining the increase in active mobility beyond the crisis and in achieving our global climate goals. Cycling is the "wind of change” in urban development. It reveals itself in infrastructural redesign, the reallocation of public space and the development of new sharing concepts. It aims at building cities for people and finding innovative approaches to provide services to citizens, to bring people closer together. Cycling improves our quality of life and therefore has to be part of the "new normal".

Velo-city 2022 Ljubljana's main theme is therefore "Cycling the Change" and it will cover the following five subthemes:

  • Rethinking urban space
  • Focus on citizens, stakeholders and community
  • Policies for more cycling
  • Green tourism, green economy
  • Urban mobility innovation

Rethinking urban space

Planning cycling infrastructure or public space is just as important as implementing it. The pan-demic brought new ideas, challenges and opportunities for cities. Moreover, it has shed a light on the need to give even more attention to a healthy way of living. Good cycling infrastructure must be implemented in cities, regions and across borders to connect people, to allow them to move around safely and to provide greater accessibility beyond city centres. From urban environment to cross border cycling connectivity, this theme aims to show different approaches and trigger discussions on the challenges of creating accessible, safe, clean, shared and functional spaces for people.

Focus on citizens, stakeholders and community

People's views and responses to new solutions are important. On one hand, aligning the public opinion with expert and political perspectives can be challenging, on the other hand, ideas and suggestions from citizens, stakeholders, community and various interest groups also help decision-makers to find better solutions for all. Involving the citizen contributes to gaining support and ac-ceptance for specific projects and measures.

Policies for more cycling

The bicycle is a solution to many of the world's woes. It contributes to better health, greater ac-cessibility, greener economies, job creation, social inclusion and a better environment. But often it is not given its deserved place in policies at all levels and their budgets. A better integration of cy-cling into wider transport, climate, land-use, health, social, economic and other relevant policies enables an increase in the number of cyclists and a decrease in the negative externalities of mo-torised road transport. The potential of cycling can still be maximized in many countries. Not only an integrated European policy framework, but also adequate funding is needed. Improving cycling with the right policy in the right context is crucial. Knowledge exchange and policy transfer happen when inspiring best practices are shared.

Green tourism, green economy

In a green economy, growth in employment and income are driven by investment into carbon- and pollution-reducing economic activities that enhance energy and resource efficiency. How does cycling contribute to the economy and job creation? Cycle Tourism is rising again - how can we boost and sustain this trend? Despite the fact that tourism has been affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the impact of cycle tourism on the economy should not be overlooked. This subtheme intends to position cycling as a key for the transition towards a greener economy and more sustainable tourism.

Urban mobility innovation

When we hear about the latest innovations in urban mobility, automated vehicles, Mobility as a Service, smart cities, zero-emission technologies, and urban air mobility are on everyone's lips. They seem to lead us straight into a high-tech smart and connected urban mobility future.
How does active mobility fit into urban mobility innovation? Can technological innovation and sus-tainability go hand in hand? How can urban deliveries become more sustainable with cycle logis-tics? What role does do shared modes and micromobility play? The future of urban mobility and the role of cycling are at the heart of this subtheme.